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Final Reflections

Overall this class was beneficial for discovering new e-learning tools that can be implemented into a course or classroom. The idea of constructivism is something I've heard of in the past but didn't think much about. I suppose in some aspects of what I've done in the classroom fit under that description. I like to encourage students to be creative with their assignments and tried to provide options on how assignments are done. As I move forward to teaching in an online environment I am realizing how many options are out there and they are amazing. 


Some of the tools that we used during this course I had used before and some I had not heard of. I am glad to now know how easy it is to create a podcast and to do a screenshot. I am going to utilize some of these resources as a way to market what we do at work. When I get to the point that we will be developing more in-depth on-line learning than I know these tools will come in handy.

I also appreciate the ability to view other students work as we all approach assignments differently. As a person who is not terribly artistic so I like to be able to see examples from others that are. I like the way that the assignments were done in this course; providing options for what tools we could use so that we could present content in a way that best fits our background or goals. 

Thanks Josh!


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